
Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Okano's dead, baby. Looking for online storage.

The server that hosted my original web site for years has probably exhaled the last breath of life. The server was down for a few days and, when the host name reappeared, it was not set up the same way. This means I probably lost the files there. The server was still used to host certain files linked from my web sites. Since storage for web sites is limited and just enough for web pages and design images, I had to use some other online source to host some larger files, like the scanned book about Bosnia.
Now, to use some suspicious services that change their Terms and Conditions every month would be a pain. I need a reliable online provider that will not cut my files for no reason and will be there for long enough. Microsoft's SkyDrive seems like a reasonable candidate for this role. I will upload the book and re-link the web site tonight and see how it goes.
This will be an opportunity to finally move all the web pages that were still hosted at to googlepages site. Will need to spend some time relinking the page and removing the subfolders but hopefully that will be the last I have to do to get the site back in order.

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