
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Git-TFS commands

Quick Clone

set branch=$/path/branch
set tfsserver=http://tfsserver:8080/tfs
set command=quick-clone
git tfs %command% %tfsserver% %branch%

Update from TFS

git tfs fetch
git rebase tfs/default

Creating an alias in .gitconfig:

tpull = !git tfs fetch && git rebase tfs/default

Checkin to TFS visually

Useful if the checkins need to be linked to work items or other policy rules.

git tfs checkintool

Other Settings

Set ignore settings in ".git/info/exclude" instead of creating .gitignore file

Reference: article

Monday, September 19, 2011


If there's something that would drive me away from Mercurial and closer towards Git, that would be Git-TFS. So far I'm using a Mercurial/TFS solution, as explained in Using Mercurial with TFS. However, this is not a 100% foolproof solution because (argh!) the solution file contains the "scc*" settings that every now and then get removed from the file when it is not bound to the TFS source control. And, of course, this happens all the time when the code I'm working on is in a cloned Hg repository.
The light seem to come from a project called Git-TFS. The documentation is available at the Wiki page in the project. There is also a newsgroup where questions can be answered.
I'm about to give it a test run but, reading more about it, I seem to have an idea that not using two Hg repositories but just one might work, too. Update to follow soon.

Good introductory text is here. My initial opinion is quite good.

Saturday, September 17, 2011


Folder2ISO does what the name says - it creates an ISO file from a directory. No installation, just download and run. Nice and simple.

Headphones/Speakers Switch

There's a great little program that switches between speakers and headphones (actually, any two sound devices configured in Windows) via simple click or hotkey combination:

SoundSwitch - v2.3, or v3.0dev

Monday, September 12, 2011

Deleting a network user profile on Windows 7

My profile on the current workstation is messed up and I want to recreate it. The account is not a local Windows account but an Active Directory one, making this a bit more difficult.

To start off, I created a new Windows account, giving it Administrator privileges by adding it to the Administrators group. Then, log on with that user and

  1. Move my user account files (c:\users\<xy> somewhere else)
  2. Remove user SID at 
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList
    The key to remove is the one that points to the above file location for the profile files. 
  3. Log off and then on as the above user to recreate the profile.