On a system with Visual Studio 2010 and all versions of ASP.NET MVC, I installed Visual Studio 2012. From the start it could not open an existing solution with MVC 3 project inside.
The steps to the solution:
- Download ASP.NET MVC Tools Update for Visual Studio 11 (link)
- Have your VS 2012 installation disc ready
As I could not install the tools update, I removed all MVC versions but v4. I also removed all the tools update packages. That still wasn't enough to let the latest update install.
So, in packages\WPT directory of your VS 2012 installation disc, find aspnet MSI installers. The installer for ASP.NET MVC 3 framework seems the same as the one in the latest package. Therefore, I removed the tools that come with VS by right-clicking the aspnetmvc3vs11tools.msi and choosing Uninstall.
Unpack AspNetMVC3ToolsUpdateVS11Setup.exe and install the tools MSI from there. Now I see all frameworks and tools in the list of installed programs and features in Control Panel.
*And* VS 2012 finally opens the solution with ASP.NET MVC 3 project in it.