
Monday, May 24, 2010

A log4net Realtime Color Console for ASP.NET - CodeProject

A log4net Realtime Color Console for ASP.NET - CodeProject
My favorite log4net monitor window. This application is a simple log4net message receiver with a console window, where the messages are displayed as they come in, and in color.
This is great if you want to debug/trace what is going on with the application. It opens an endpoint, which is configurable in the settings.
The client application, the one sending the log4net messages, configures the endpoint at its end and then uses the console window as one of the providers.
I love this one.

Edit: There are issues with this approach on Windows 6.1 (7, 2008 R2). These systems come with IPv6 enabled and log4net (current binaries) do not support this scenario. I have a custom build with the code fixed. Actually, the code is committed to log4net source repositories but the build has not been updated.
However, I can't use my custom build because libraries like Sharp Architecture (for NHibernate) come with the official log4net build that has a different signature. Another puzzle to solve.

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