
Monday, December 25, 2006

Melbourne Neighborhoods

Read the neighborhood description here.

The Most Dangerous Roads in the World

How terrible... Read, and watch, here.


New eBook source - ebook-portal


Still no PushButton publishing for the new Blogger. Some things that I write on my web pages should actually go to the blog. The historical notes and links are related to some sites and issues that might never be relevant again so those are just littering the web site.
So the bad thing is that I have to write down the text and links manually as opposed to BlogThis, which used to summarize the main points itself.
Example of these notes are the ones on my Images page.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Domain - Maps

Domain, a very good Australian property-related web site, has integrated Google APIs so that the results of a search can be seen on Google Maps as small houses. Clicking each of these will show it's details. Neat.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Friday, December 08, 2006

Survival of the fittest

Survival of the fittest

A good text on importance of exercise. Also mentions how it affects age in a real-world example.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

The Windows Shutdown crapfest

The Windows Shutdown crapfest

Excellent read for developers. Fortunately I was working in small teams and on small projects. :)
Someone suggested Coderiffic as a place to share your view of your employer.