
Sunday, June 15, 2008

Google App Engine

Getting Started - Google App Engine - Google Code

Going back to check the development at Google... The App engine is now available for use. The apps use Python.
Now, for educational purposes, I'd like to create an app on Google and link it to Facebook. Apps on Google have access to data store. Apparently the apps in FMBL do as well but this would be "hitting two flies with one hit". :)


Wohoo! This is so cool. I'm sick and sleepy but I can't leave the new toy aside. :) I've installed Python and Google App SDK and created my first web python application! Hello World is alive and well.
If I manage to work out the basics, including data store, I guess I'll be able to create my first external Facebook application soon.


The link at the top leads to the tutorial on App Engine. It's simple and straightforward and works out of the box. No messy code and configuration and examples that don't work on your computer. Ah, what a relief!
This is very interesting. Generally, all that is needed is an engine - which is there - and a data store - which is there, too. In theory, you should be able to create any application online. Mm, ideas already flying through my tired mind.
It's been great seeing what the framework(s) can do nowadays. Definitely, the enthusiasm is back and I'll be thinking in terms of what can be done using the App Engine and Facebook APIs.

App Engine documentation seems very well organized and contains just enough information to utilize the engine. Happy developing!

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