
Thursday, July 25, 2013

Using Git and Push-to-Deploy - Google App Engine

Google App Engine now allows the deployment of web applications by simply pushing the code to a source code repository.

Using Git and Push-to-Deploy - Google App Engine — Google Developers

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Android - Screen Off Utilities

Looking for a more convenient way to turn off the phone screen but not to lock it until the timeout expires (currently 10 minutes). This helps me avoid constant unlocking if I'm using the phone frequently.
Below are two convenient tools that assist to achieve the goal:

Screen Off Utils (link) - allows turning the screen off but doesn't force the lock;
Proximity Screen Off Lite (link) - turns the screen off on either the light sensor or proximity sensor signals. This allows turning the screen off when the phone is placed into a pocket or placed on the desk upside down (which I normally do).


Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Open Workbench

Open Workbench | Free Business & Enterprise software downloads at
Another good alternative to MS Project and a decent project management tracking tool.

Monday, July 22, 2013


Keepass2Android - Home: "Keepass2Android is an open source password manager application for Android. It reads and writes .kdbx-files, the database format used by the popular KeePass 2.x Password Safe for Windows and other desktop operating systems."

KeePass for Android app. Besides the functionality provided by KeePassDroid, this app has a great Android integration feature through KeePass to Android Keyboard that comes with the app. Through this keyboard one can select any of the fields from a selected entry. There are also browser integration via URL, and Quick Unlock (phew, finally). Very convenient!
The only drawback I found is that it runs as a service and takes a whopping 120MB of RAM.

Monday, July 15, 2013

node.js - How can install a new version of NPM ( 1.1.24 )? - Stack Overflow

Upgrading npm is rather easy. All it takes is
npm update npm -g

Source: node.js - How can install a new version of NPM ( 1.1.24 )? - Stack Overflow

Apparently, it should also be possible to upgrade Node itself, using NPM (link). However, this doesn't seem to work well on Windows.

resurrectio - automating browser tests

ebrehault/resurrectio is a great addition to PhantomJS and CasperJS testing suite. Ressurection is a CasperJS test recorder Chrome extension.
Now the full setup feels like Selenium IDE.

Install from Chrome Web Store: link

ansicon - a color console for Windows!

Colored console in Windows. Great for running CasperJS UI tests and quickly previewing the results.

Downloads · adoxa/ansicon

Friday, July 12, 2013

CasperJS & PhantomJS: Headless WebKit with JavaScript API

In addition to Zombie, which proves difficult to use on Windows, here are more options for headless full web stack testing:

PhantomJS: Headless WebKit with JavaScript API: "PhantomJS is a headless WebKit scriptable with a JavaScript API. It has fast and native support for various web standards: DOM handling, CSS selector, JSON, Canvas, and SVG."

CasperJS is "an open source navigation scripting & testing utility written in Javascript and based on PhantomJS — the scriptable headless WebKit engine. It eases the process of defining a full navigation scenario and provides useful high-level functions, methods & syntactic sugar for doing common tasks such as:

defining & ordering browsing navigation steps
filling & submitting forms
clicking & following links
capturing screenshots of a page (or part of it)
testing remote DOM
logging events
downloading resources, including binary ones
writing functional test suites, saving results as JUnit XML
scraping Web contents"

Zombie: Insanely fast, headless full-stack testing using Node.js

A testing framework that does not require a browser.

Insanely fast, headless full-stack testing using Node.js: "Zombie.js supports the following:

HTML5 parsing and dealing with tag soups
DOM Level 3 implementation
HTML5 form fields (search, url, etc)
CSS3 Selectors with some extensions
Cookies and Web Storage
XMLHttpRequest in all its glory
pushState, popstate and hashchange events
alert, confirm and prompt
WebSockets and Server-Sent Events"

'via Blog this'

Tuesday, July 09, 2013

Testing XPath in Google Chrome browser

To evaluate an XPath in Chrome browser, open the console and use


replacing, of course, the "xpathselector" text with actual XPath selector.

Source: Testing XPath in Google Chrome browser

Monday, July 08, 2013

Feedly, Export OPML

The way to export RSS feeds from Feedly is to open the menu, click Organize, then 'as OPML'.
Or simply click the following link: OPML

Thursday, July 04, 2013

ubuntu - How to run todolist from abstractspoon in linux? - Super User

ubuntu - How to run todolist from abstractspoon in linux? - Super User

Instructions on how to run AbstractSpoon's ToDoList in Linux, using Wine.
There are MFC dlls missing and they are installed using "winetricks vcrun6".


Home | ProjectLibre: "ProjectLibre: Open source replacement of Microsoft Project"

This is a project that continues where OpenProj left. A project management tool that compares to MS Project.